23 November 2011


Il mio gadget preferito? Un sex toy”, così Sally Bercow, la moglie del presidente della Camera dei Comuni inglese John Bercow, si è lasciata andare a rivelazioni non proprio da signora alla stampa.
Il tabloid "The Sun" si è subito attivato e ha rilanciato a tutta pagina la confessione della donna, corredandola di foto panoramica su Londra che ritrae la Bercow avvolta in un lenzuolo bianco.
Stavo per aggiungere alla mia frase anche che si tratta di un vibratore”, ha spiegato senza fare riferimento all’imbarazzo provocato al marito che ha già sopportato la sua presenza nella casa del "Grande Fratello" nella versione d’oltre Manica.

22 November 2011


"I didn't begin enjoying sex until I started masturbating... It's a shame I didn't discover it sooner... Everybody should (masturbate)".

14 November 2011


Comedian Bridget McManus confesses to something she used to do in her early years...

12 November 2011


On The Joy Behar Show, Joy and Dr. Drew Pinsky interviewed Nicole Narain, a Playboy playmate and recovering sex addict, about her struggle towards recovery. In the preview clip CNN has put out, Narain discusses how she used to masturbate all day and still has to remain watchful for triggers that could put her in a relapse:
You know what, I really try hard not to think about masturbating too much. I had a moment there where I really did, I could not get out of bed one day because I was just, it was a constant thing. That was an exhausting day. It was like, I didn't even want to eat food because that was my food for the day. It was exhausting and it was scary because it consumed my entire day and I try very hard not to have any triggers around me where I would feel like I need to masturbate today.
Narain hasn't completely given it up. She is only human, after all: "I'm definitely a lot better . . . I'm still human - don't get me wrong. We all have to clean the pipes once in awhile."

QUOTES - Mae West dixit

"Marriage is like a game of bridge: if you don't have a good partner you'd better have a good hand".

10 November 2011


"I don’t miss sex because I still have fun by myself. You get what I mean?”.

06 November 2011

ART - CartoonPink


create girl on girl, stylized, cartoon erotica that makes people feel tingly "down there". I like cartoons and I like porn, so I put two great tastes that taste great together to create CartoonPink. I will be posting new sketches and illustrations here until I can launch my site...so, ENJOY! Amy Matthews

EXPERIENCES - Khristy Creams

Masturbation is primal, and probably the number one primary form of sexual expression for we humans. It's not just for children, or for those in-between lovers, or for elderly people who end up alone. Masturbation is exploratory, liberating and freedom... symbolized and expressed in the ongoing love affair we each have with ourselves throughout our lifetime!

You would think we could at least celebrate masturbation as the safest sex there is! In the age of AIDS and other STD's, masturbation seems like the safest form of sex anyone could ever have, but making love alone - masturbating - is still society's dirty little secret! How sad!!

This cultural denial of masturbation sustains sexual repression. Sexual repression, I fully believe, is at the heart of most every major human mental and psychological malfunction there is.
From childhood through adulthood, most people feel guilt and shame over masturbation. Deprived of a sexual relationship with ourselves, we humans are much easier to manipulate and more accepting of any status-quo.

I believe masturbation holds the key to reversing sexual repression, especially for women who think they're "frigid" or aren't sure whether they're having orgasms in partnered sex. The same is true for men who are premature ejaculators, or for those men who can't get enough stimulation to have an orgasm from simple fucking.

Masturbation is the best of ways for all of us to learn about sexual response. It's an opportunity for us to explore our bodies and minds for all those sexual secrets we've been told and taught to hide, even from ourselves!!

What better way to learn about pleasure and being sexually creative! You don't have to perform or meet anyone's standards, to satisfy the needs of a partner, or to fear criticism or rejection for failure. Sexual skills are like any other skills; they are not Magically inherited. They have to be learned!! How do you learn them? You MASTURBATE!!

Universal acceptance of masturbation is the next step in civilization's sexual evolution. So girls, leave off your panties, spread your legs as wide as you can, masturbate, and evolve - It's No Thong Thursday!! Kisses...


03 November 2011

VIP CONFESSIONS - Carmen Consoli

Carmen Consoli confession to "A" magazine:

"Non ho la frenesia dell'accoppiamento, per cui preferisco aspettare. Mal che vada c'è sempre il fai da te. In questo senso a me il bricolage piace molto".
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